The Support We Have Found in You


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Traditionally, this day is one in which we reflect on the past year—all of its challenges, beauty and surprises. Looking back on 2020, I think we can all agree that this year was particularly full of unexpected challenges. At Miriam’s House our work is focused on ensuring that our homeless neighbors have the safety and dignity of a home. This mission became even more urgent in 2020 as it quickly became clearer that families could not be safe without a home. In response, we increased our capacity and worked even harder to quickly return homeless families and individuals to a home, a place to safely distance from others. I am incredibly proud that our team moved more than 337 of our homeless neighbors off the street and out of shelters and into homes of their own in 2020.

We, like you, never anticipated that 2020 would be quite so challenging; in the midst of it all, I was immensely grateful to be part of this community. Time and again this community stepped in to ensure that our work would continue by donating cleaning supplies, dropping off protective equipment to our families and giving generously. Our work to provide housing and support to people experiencing homelessness would not be possible without generous and caring donors. Thank you for being a source of encouragement and light throughout 2020.

Looking ahead to 2021, it is clear that we will have to work even harder. We know that many families are on the brink of losing their housing and the need for our services will grow. It gives me immense confidence in our ability to meet this need because of the support we have found in YOU. We, like you, will meet the challenges of 2021 with strength and a deepened commitment to end homelessness. We will adapt, expand and respond with immense tenacity and compassion. Thank you for joining us!


Wishing you a peaceful and safe New Year from all of us at Miriam’s House!


Sarah Quarantotto

Executive Director

Leah Wiebe